Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

A Mistake is a Great Teacher – Bobby Fairchild

I’m still reaching out to my friends and customers to make sure that everything is going the way I want it for them with the breeds that they get for me. I have never been satisfied with what I got, and I will continuously be moving forward.

Mhar Delaben: Who is Bobby Fairchild as a gamefowl breeder?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, first of all, I am a man who loves what I do. I never dreamed of not being recognized around the world. As a breeder, I’m trying hard to pay attention to detail and never get stuck in the present. I’m always looking forward and trying to improve what I’ve got.

Mhar Delaben: What distinguishes a Bobby Fairchild from the rest?
Bobby Fairchild: In my opinion, what distinguishes these little feathered warriors and me from most of the rest is that we never stop trying, we never give up.

Mhar Delaben: What could be the highlight of your cocking career?
Bobby Fairchild: I have been asked this in many interviews, and one day there may be something that comes along the steps, out above the main championship event at Sunset Recreation Club Paris in 2003. We had the main championship where we fought 2-eight team brackets. Like a softball or basketball tournament or single elimination tournament of any kind, we challenged these Main Five Cocks every month at Sunset Recreation Club Paris, and we were the overall winner. We are advancing to the next round every month. Mr Jumper and Kerry Robberson won on their separate brackets. All of us has advanced to the championship round where we fought seven cocks. I had much respect for Kerry Robberson, Mr Jumper and Volcom because they are great rooster breeders. People flew in from all over the world to watch this event. Carrie and I had some long hard fights, but in the end, I was victorious with a score of 4 to 3. That is the only tournament that I have ever participated in, and it was very prestigious and memorable not just only for me but also to Mr Jumper.

Mhar Delaben: Can you tell us a brief story of how you started breeding gamefowls and what brought you to this path?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, I’ve been involved in genetic breeding of competition animals most all of my life. Growing up as a little boy, my father was a breeder of hound dogs for hunting and various competitive types of equine horses. He was always my greatest hero. I found out that when I was born, he was involved in breeding and competing with game fowls. I participated in pleasure hunting with some of our mutual friends from Cherokee County Oklahoma, where we lived in a little community known as Clear Creek. I was given the privilege to go hunting with Gary Gilliam along with his friends and cousins and get to hear the stories from him about these gamecocks. After meeting him, it just built a fire inside me. It affected a part of my life’s activities. It seems like I could not think of anything else than the game fowls. So, my father started gathering up a few game fowls here and there, and it all started there. My other friend James Sowers worked on the road a lot, and he would get breeding materials from well-known cockers. James would let us have the offspring for near nothing because he was on the road all the time unable to attend to them and would even sometimes let us have what he got from the breeders. That’s the way it all got started.

Mhar Delaben: What principles do you practice that made you a legendary breeder?
Bobby Fairchild: I assure you that I do not think of myself as a legendary one. I am grateful for the respect and the honour that the people from the Philippines, Mexico and across the other parts of the world give to me, but I’m a legend. The only thing I do is get up every day and work hard at achieving the goals that I have set. I have set these goals and fought for them with hard perseverance. My friends, family and God made these things possible.

Mhar Delaben: What could be the most memorable moment of your life as a breeder?
Bobby Fairchild: Without a doubt, the highlight was when I was a very young man myself, Paul Sparks, Randy Jackson and even Mark Seabolt all stumbling around as young men, but this family of what has proved to be a remarkable Grey Family of Gamefowl. The family that we all put together is the one that I used to make, it is known today as the Fairchild Grey. In the hands of our customers, they have been winners of almost every major fight in the world. Nobody care on these except for Paul Sparks did until he decided to no longer be a burrito, I miss Paul and his dedication as a friend and to the sport. Without his input, they would have never excelled the way they did in the beginning.

Mhar Delaben: Can you name a famous breeder who was there when you were starting a breeding career?
Bobby Fairchild: I’ve already mentioned him once and feel honoured to be able to say him again, but in Eastern Oklahoma where I’m from, everybody that I know has either receive gamefowl or some piece of advice from the legendary Gary Gilliam, I am proud to call this man my friend

Mhar Delaben: What events gave you confidence in breeding game fowls?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, you ask what events gave me confidence as a breeder. I will tell you the truth. My confidence is not unshakable one, I don’t believe that it was really necessary. Any event that gave me the confidence when I was relatively young I got to spend much time with my good friend Dink Fair and a little later on, with Johnny Jumper. They shared some breeding techniques with me that made much sense to me, and the longer I practise these techniques, the more confidence that I got. Yes, I do believe that if there is such a thing, I am a professional gamefowl breeder. But this confidence has to be reassured over and over, with close attention to details.

Mhar Delaben: What keeps the Fairchild Greys vigorous and competitive?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, they are a good solid family we keep one family with a few lines. We cull hard and remove lines if they get weak and always looking to improve them.

Mhar Delaben: What lines cross best with your greys?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, I’ve never seen them hurt any family. Whatever you got I believe these greys will improve them. They have been crossed on hatch radios roundhead sand even my brown reds. They are also very good dukes old lemons. I’ve done very well with them on my Kelso and sweaters. Jessery Palmaris crosses them on Jr. Belts Cowans with very good results. I started crossing them on Gary Gilliam’s roundheads and they are not hard to breed.

Mhar Delaben: The Fairchild Greys and Paul Sparks Greys has some resemblance, are they related?
Bobby Fairchild: As far as my greys and Paul’s being related, yes, in the beginning, there were four cocks. I got three of them Paul kept one but we went a little deferment direction. I am very proud of these greys and their accomplishments

Mhar Delaben: What is it with your greys that make it a serious competitor in the Philippines?
Bobby Fairchild: One thing about them is that they are very intelligent and they get the job done. The people who use them in the Philippines find that they always bring a little more competitive edge to the table the most.

Mhar Delaben: How do you manage your farm and game fowl effectively?
Bobby Fairchild: You have to love this craft to be able to do what I do. I don’t have days off like everybody else. I go weeks at a time and never leave the farm. I work pretty much from daylight to dark but I don’t take it like work. Like when I have to work for somebody else I love this, I love seeing it all come together and when the people show up in the farm looks good and the inventory looks good and everybody is proud to be a part of it and this I cannot do this by myself. Anybody who gives me all the credit for this that I am the boss and I am the TV store as the old commercial service on TV here in the US. I am the boss and the TV store but believe me my wife, my kids my friends who work for me, they have put much effort into making this for what it is today, I have a young man who works for me now named Josh Brock. He is a local here in Kentucky, his commitment to this farm is impeccable when I was in Oklahoma I had a young man named Colton Fairs that works for me and he was extremely dedicated to our friendship and to the farm They help make a lot of things to happen, especially when we were younger. Making this reputation that we carry on today, my wife Melinda Fairchild My kids Tonya, Randy, Cody and even my baby girl Lacee they all put lots of effort and made lots of sacrifices. This farm is not what I do this farm is who I am, I have no desire to do anything other than this for a living, it is my passion, but for the question is how I do it. I have been blessed and being surrounded by very honest loyal and hard-working team. God bless everyone.

Mhar Delaben: Your birds are sought after around the Globe, how do you make sure that they will perform as advertising? What do you do to maintain or exceed your status?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, for one thing, we never take for granted that they are what they would want. Continuously look for different ways to improve the performance of these purebred warriors. Of course, we do not nor will we participate in illegal cockfights in the United States. I have never been to an illegal cockfight nor do I intend to, but we keep up with the things that our customers are looking for and we check on the performance to make sure that our friends and customers continue to reap the results that they have always reaped and we stay as close to the solid foundation as we can. Never move away from anything very fast, everything is done in small increments We use our instincts and the knowledge that we have claimed over the years, I believe that we have a very strong set of values and work ethics along with knowledge of what it takes to continue to make these champions. I am very fortunate in these aspects because it was a lot easier for me to succeed with them. We’ve proven that if you are willing to work hard and use a little common sense that the poultry that we have here will work for the better.

Mhar Delaben: Have you tried competing in the Philippines? (What are your experience)
Bobby Fairchild: Yes, we have completed a few times with our friend Jessery Palmaris, Jesery has brought me to the Philippines more than once, treated me with the utmost respect and has come to be a true friend. I look forward to the day that I get to see Jessery again probably on Filipino soil, Jessery and I have had very good success. At the world slasher cup as well as the Candelaria, we haven’t won them yet together abut I see it will happen. We’ve always been a very strong force.

Mhar Delaben: Would you name some Breeders in the Philippines that were using your birds in their campaign?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, I will name a few of them but some of the big-name breeders like to keep their secrets since they spent good money in the fowl that they have. My number one customer in the Philippines and always been is Jessery Palmaris. Jessery has been a guest in my home many times, had much respect for each other like customer or client but most of all he is a friend. Lancey Dela Torre has used my bloodlines to some great excess in the past. Jun Mendoza and I have started a new friendship that I believe will grow stronger over the years. Jun “The Attorney” Mendoza is a very distinguished man who speaks plainly. His presence demand respect, he uses my bloodlines and I believe that he and I will have great success together in the years to come. There are many other breeders in the Philippines that I’ve used my bloodlines but I don’t really want to get into their secret weapons.

Mhar Delaben: Straight forward question what your winningest bloodline to date is?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, I don’t know what the best bloodline I’ve ever had is, but I do know this hands-down. The grey has always been the winningest bloodline but in all due respect. They’ve had more of a chance to prove themselves because everybody knows that most. Usually, when I show up it will be with those little grey warriors.

Mhar Delaben: For people who wish to import materials can you share to us how can they maximize their acquisition, and how can they maintain the bloodline?
Mhar Delaben: Well you can always contact me to discuss details in better depth in the US. Bobby Fairchild 01-918-772-0556 That was for a call text or WhatsApp you can also contact me on Facebook Clear Creek – Bobby Fairchild, when you go to Clear Creek – Bobby Fairchild please hit the like and follow or you can see the pictures as I post them and keep up with the latest materials here at Clear Creek farm Bobby Fairchild.

Mhar Delaben: What are the points you can share in selecting a mainstay Broodstag, broodcock and hens?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, for the most part, they’re going to have some history of genetics that I’m going to be familiar with. They are going to have the genetic characteristics in which I’m looking for then when we start with confirmation we never look at the whole bird. One time we begin not with the leg or the foot, but we started the toenail and went to the foot in the prop toe itself each toe, individually. We look at the shank and the drumstick to make sure that they align correctly, I like for the breast flow into the drumstick smoothly. I like for the neck to sit in a particular position and then, of course, we want well as the set to the front not too far in the back, above all else we want performance. I have to be careful because sometimes racing for other people performance kids sit on the back burner because everybody wants a picture. Everybody wants to white streamers; everybody wants long legs. However, very seldom does a customer ever even call and ask about performance, but performance will always be essential.

Mhar Delaben: In your standard, how do you categorize a bird as pure?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, some of my fans are not going to like my answer. I do not believe in the word pure as the way most of the gamefowl people do. They were all made from something other than a very few strands. Kelso hatch Murphy, all of those, are men’s names, and I raise and breed pure. Bobby Fairchild Breed Fowl when they come with consistent characteristics and reproduced consistent features as well. That’s when I consider, there are other ways of sending blood and test, but I believe those that reproduce winners that’s what we want. If you’re going to leave your line of genetic game fowl of some other man’s name, breed chickens the way they wanted the way they have seen fit, that’s on you. My stand on the present and in future is my utmost respect to our founding fathers in the sport. Still, I believe that if they were here to see how some of us are getting stuck on other people’s names and afraid to breed chickens the way they need to be, I believe they would say what in the world are you doing. I believe with all my heart that I breed chickens the way they did, my poultry has consistent genetic characteristics that make them pure. Pure whatever I want to call them

Mhar Delaben: How do you maintain your birds? Which method do you prepare?
Bobby Fairchild: We breed many uncles, Niece’s aunts to nephews and grandparents. We don’t breed father and daughter’s mothers to the son if we breed brothers and sisters we do it in slow moderation with scepticism, but we do like to produce brothers and sisters a time or two. Just reach in there and have a look and see what shows up

Mhar Delaben: To our reading patrons who wish to start breeding, what can you advise them?
Bobby Fairchild: Well to those people I would say to sit down and count the cost, it’s not a quick adventure, it’s a lifelong event. Being a breeder with anything in competition in the world you set out to do, you need reputable mentors that are close to you and can genuinely have to be a part of what you got to do. I believe what my old friend Terry Don West said, a PRCA world champion bull rider. He said if you want to be a world champion, you better find some world champions to hang out. If you tell me who your friends are, I’ll let you know who you are. If you want to be a winner don not be too bullheaded be involved with winners. Sometimes it makes us feel more important to hang out with the people that are not so successful. Find a mentor, somebody that has earned the right to be a mentor with directions and their success is not just with their opinions because opinions are not facts.

Mhar Delaben: Does this new digital magazine Purebred Warrior help our sprawling industry?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, it sure can’t hurt. I look forward to seeing the results of this digital magazine. I have friends in the Philippines who I have been associated with for years and have been in the magazine business with some things on television, and I’ve watched it grow from something small to something substantial. I wish the same success for you if you’re a brave warrior magazine.

Mhar Delaben: Purebred Warrior’s advocacy is to feed and quench the thirst of the hungry one and as we aligned Our efforts with Cong. Sonny Lagon’s Party List to cater the poor, these events are well documented, would you be kind to offer help and be part of this advocacy in the near future?
Bobby Fairchild: Well, I’m not exactly sure what that statement means but I’ve been associated with Sonny Lagon for many years. I have known Sonny to be a good man; if Sonny is involved, then I’m sure that there will be elegance and respect to follow. I want to say thank you to some extraordinary friends in the Philippines such as Jessery Palmaris, Recoy Palmaris, Al Garcia, Jun “The Attorney” Mendoza and Manny Berbano. May God bless the Philippines.

Purebred Warrior reserves the right to accept or refuse materials for publication or advertising. Perspectives expressed by the authors and contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Purebred Warrior. No materials may be reposted or reprinted from this website without obtaining prior written consent from the publisher. Facts contained in the articles referred only to circumstances when the sport of cockfighting was still legal in the United States. Articles were written to recognize a past American cultural heritage. We’re not sending gamefowls to countries where cockfighting is illegal. Please take note that cockfighting is legal in the Philippines. It is your responsibility to assess whether or not cockfighting is permitted in the country where you stay.

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