Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Are you classified as a small time or big time breeder?

Hey folks! I’m just your cock-a-doodle-friend here. I have something that bothers me when talking about the classifications of a small, medium, backyard and big time breeders.
When talking about this subjective topic, is it right that if you are a small time or a big time breeder, you are referring to the number you raised and to the quality of the fowl you produced or is it dependable on your capacity of joining certain areas of activities like, derbies, hack fight or even 3,7,9 or 12 cocks (when legal).
Well, here’s below the series of interactions between the small, medium, backyard and big time breeders. And this is all purely honesty and everyone is entitled from their own opinion. So lets check it out how it goes.

Brent Waddell: I have a micro farm compared to several people I know. But I am very pleased with the quality of fowl I have. I think a man has to look at. Not how many can I raise but how many can I raise healthy and give them everything they need to be the best that they can be.

Dave Lao: I think all of the above defines a breeder’s financial capability and space. Because growing more also mean more capital. I will assume the fact that only really healthy, quality stocks are raised, because numbers don’t mean anything if you have fowls of poor quality or isn’t raised the way they’re supposed to. Meaning their facilities, man power, vaccinations and nutritional needs. If not met, then you will be raising sickly birds and they will be more of a liability.

Ben Windy Kempfer: I don’t believe that it’s a numbers game (quantity) but, I believe it’s the legal of competition you choose to compete at.

Dan Dawson: I’m a small operation. My bloodlines have competed in legal pits and done very well. I believe that even though my numbers are small, my bloodlines quality is big.

Ben Windy Kempfer: That’s all that matters. When legal some of the guys that scared me the most was the guys that only raised 15-20 cocks a yr. They maintained a small farm very healthy and well taken care of.

Chris Thatcher: It’s the great equalizer.

Bolo Cortez: Aloha friends! This is an incredibly juicy subject indeed! Small time, medium, back yard and big time farms. Over the years we’ve all seen each of these categories in real life farms we may have visited. Some “small time” farms are really good sized and others may be raising 20 birds a year. It is highly subjective indeed. In retrospect “Big time” farms can be raising over 1000 a year or simply 50-100 ace cocks. I always say never judge a book by its cover. In this day and age with modern technology everything is subjective. I will say though that the “small time or backyard” breeder farms tucked away in the sticks that raise maybe 25-50 cocks a year….them’s the ones keeping us all sharp and on our toes!! Going simply by the title “small time, medium, backyard, and big time” I believe can directly correspond and reflect on THE QUALITY OF FOWL PRODUCED by those farms. Meaning a “small time or backyard farm” in one mans eyes will be simply a little farm not meriting recognition because numbers are too low to make an “impact” in the industry. On the other hand those same “small time or backyard farms can be held by some as “Big Time” farms too. Why? well because they put out very high quality fowl consistently that HAVE an impact on the industry. Highly subjective indeed. So in retrospect…a small time farm can be putting out BIG TIME FOWL…and a BIG TIME farm can be pushing out very SMALL TIME roosters. WHOODA THUNK IT!!! Yfis, Bolo

Brent Easterling: Bolo Cortez has the best answer so far… I’m in no way a big operation and we should’ve all been back yard breeders at one time or another, I know that my first derby wasn’t a 6 cock $1,000 and I didn’t have hundreds to choose from, it was more like a 4 cock

Bolo Cortez: Yes indeed brother Brent. We all started somewhere. It’s good to reflect on this fact every now and then. Keeps us humble no matter the numbers we may raise. I think if your out there in the sun, rain, snow or even in the stanky ass mud working your tail off daily…be PROUD of your fowl because you’ve earned it. Great comments guys and gals! YFIS BOLO

Chris Thatcher: CHOICE and SELECTION are the spice of life ….period.

Allan Cinco: I consider my self in between, i can say my fowls can fight in big event but my financial capacity is not yet ready. Regardless of bloodlines i know my fowls can do it so far the big event that i joined is Bmeg Endorser Cup third leg in Cebu, 6 stag derby, a total score of 4 wins 2 losses. Last September 8, 2018. I used 5 white kelso bird and one sweater kelso.


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1 thought on “Are you classified as a small time or big time breeder?

  1. I consider my self in between, i can say my fowls can fight in big event but my financial capacity is not yet ready. Regardless of bloodlines i know my fowls can do it so far the big event that i joined is Bmeg Endorser Cup third leg in Cebu, 6 stag derby, a total score of 4 wins 2 losses. Last September 8, 2018. I used 5 white kelso bird and one sweater kelso.

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