Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Dre Red Cliff Radio+Sweater

Pointing Tips to your Fighting Warrior

Below are some tips on pointing gamefowl.

Pointing gamefowl is very important. If you do not know how to handle your gamefowl during the fight day, your chances of winning are low.

Morning, before submission of weights, before feeding, limbers the cocks in folding scratch-pens and observes their droppings. Wait until the cock passes his stool before weighing him.

For each cocks weight, subtract 30-50 grams and submit this to the cockpit as the weights of your entries. Bad weight or weight 40 grams over your declared weight is fined during derbies. The cock loses weight during pointing and 30 grams is more or less safe margin for this.

For example, if your actual weight is 2.1 kg. subtract 30 grams from that and declare 2.070 kg. as the weight of your entry, 2.110 kg is your bad weight. On the time of the fight, your cock will surely weight less than 2.1 kg. because of pointing. Even if your cock does not lose weight during pointing, you are still in the allowable weight limit.

Time of fight is also important. A cock will digest his normal feed in 6 to 8 hours and fully absorbs the nutrients in another 4 to 6 hours. So, try to know your fight schedule to program your feeding time beforehand. If your fight is 6 pm, count 6 to 8 hours backwards (about 12 noon) and feeds your cock ½ his regular ration of pointing feed. By 6 pm, he must be empty and on point.

When pointing, it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. Fell the cocks crop and see that it is nothing in it. If a grain or two can be observed, feed less than ½ his normal ration. Empty crops don’t mean that the gizzard and other digestive organ are also empty. To be sure that no feed still exists in the body of the cock, feed less. Now comes the essential part of pointing, moisture. Once in the cockpit, rest the cocks for at least 30 minutes before giving 3 to 5 dips of water. This will encourage a bowel movement. Moisture can be gauge only by observing the cocks droppings.

There are 4 stages or sequence that occur with the cocks droppings when we conduct pointing procedures. First is the usually moist and firm dropping, which must be seen in the morning just before weighting the cock and after the last feeding. Next, when the cocks have emptied his gut of the fibres and other waste materials from the feeds, you will observe what I call cecal droppings. This is the brown sticky smelly kind of droppings the cock pass from time to time during the keep. But now, cecal dropping is an indication of emptying out of the intestines. You will also observe that some moist green droppings with white toppings still come out but are increasingly getting smaller.

When the cock is really empty (from the crop of the large intestines), what I call moisture droppings will appear. This look like whitish mucus about two (2) inches in diameter. They become smaller as pointing progresses. The cock may be said to be on point when the size of moisture droppings are as small as a twenty-five (25) centavo coin and a little bit sticky.

To extend pointing, feed a few grains of cracked corn or ¼ teaspoon of pointing feed a few hours before limbering.

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