Creator’s Note – Issue 5
Greetings to all mga KA-WARRIORS!
Here we are folks, reaching issue no.5!
Doing this from scratch into something that everyone is looking forward to it, it’s never easy.
Greetings to all mga KA-WARRIORS!
Here we are folks, reaching issue no.5!
Doing this from scratch into something that everyone is looking forward to it, it’s never easy.
Being honest and fair to everyone will surely put good things in proper places, while at the same time have your faith in God for He can do the impossible things for you.
Congressman Lagon and the late Mr. Sweater forged a partnership that forever changed the landscape
Stag derby is very popular today because there is a big amount of money if
Cockfighting is a noble sports. Talking about this profound matter were people already divided into,