Neroe Lee talked about the economics of breeding and the ripple effects felt by all stakeholders aficionados over the recent situation facing all humankind about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Its as if a nightmare for the entire Global Gamefowl industry when Corona Virus descended and hit upon all advancement made in derby competitions.
The ripple effects felt by all stakeholders as competition ground to halt breeders grew weary of the growing stockpile of birds that may accumulate over time that will eventually lead to a significant drop in prices.
Countries such as Philippines and Mexico yearly held major Stag derbies, and to date, breeders have already produced thousands of game birds for the upcoming stag derbies. Still, the question remains until now will it push thru with the situation worsening?
Countries such as Philippines and Mexico yearly held major Stag derbies, and to date, breeders have already produced thousands of game birds for the upcoming stag derbies.
Purebred Warrior Neroe Lee
The economics of breeding is always congruent with fighting and without legal avenue aficionados are already starting “underground fights” that only exposes them to further legal danger when caught. Hundreds of businesses in the industry are already feeling the pain and are in the brink of bankruptcy. We are approaching the most critical phase of our historical existence; it does not far fetch that advances made in the industry may be reverted or experience a slowdown.
The most pressing issue is, how do we survive this ordeal? Some glitter of hope we’ve seen already in the Philippines. As of the moments Bakbakan & Digmaan, two of the biggest Stag derby duopoly has started talks thru the efforts of Congressman Sonny Lagon.
Initial reports were positive with a proposal in changing banding criteria.
Cong Sonny Lagon also started relief efforts and have the pledge to give 200 sacks of rice in a bid to spur a culture of “Bayanihan” in the industry, Cong. Sonny is a legislator who has risen to protect the industry more than a year ago.
COVID-19 is for sure here to stay for a while with a timeframe no one still knows, but if we are to survive, we will have to adapt and help each other.